A Sick Day


My poor darling Lulu is having a sick day today.  She has really been in the wars since we moved to Natal.  First she got very badly mauled by the neighbours dog when she was staying with my folks.  And this morning she was having great fun chasing the monkey’s with the big dogs next door, I am not sure if she knew exactly what she was chasing, as I don’t think she has seen a monkey before, but regardless it was just such fun dashing around the garden with the big boys chasing something that was very fast.  Duzi the gorgeous young Rotweiler, who has the biggest paws you have ever seen, I think in his excitment of the great chase must have stood on little Lulu.  

The poor little thing, her back leg is terribly bruised, and she is hobbling around.  So wrapped up in bed is the best place for her today.  Its a good day to be in bed, as its rather overcast and gloomy.  So enjoy Lulu, and get better 🙂




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